Purpose of this Documentation
I created this documentation to make up for the abysmal lack of any official documentation on the part of Valve. Sure, they maintain various wikis, but they're manually maintained, rarely updated, and often don't reflect the current nature of the Steam Web API. To solve that problem, this page will update every 24 hours with the latest state of the Steam Web API public endpoints. In addition, I will regularly update the various How To sections in case something more detailed changes.
How to Make a Steam Web API Request

Getting Started

In order to use the Steam Web API, you have to request a key here: https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey. This key acts as your secret identifier when making requests to the API, so don't lose or share it.

Requests contain the following elements

Base URL
Usually https://api.steampowered.com but there's no guarantee that it won't change in the future.
Interface Name
Indicates which method group (interface) you want to use. Methods are usually grouped by similarities, but that doesn't seem to be a hard and fast rule.
Method Name
Indicates which method within the interface you want to use.
Method Version
Indicates which version of the method you want to use. Valve will occasionally (almost never) update the API and roll the version number on the method. This allows applications to continue working with older versions while new applications can take advantage of the new versions
sometimes optional A one to many list of parameters to be passed to the selected method. Parameters are delimited by the & character.

Request URL format


Sample request URL


Sample request URL with parameters

How to Use a Steam Web API Response

Response format

Responses to the requests can come in three different formats: json, vdf, xml. The default and preferred format is json.

Sample request/response

Request URL
Response Format
Note that the {key} parameter is not filled in because it is a secret that you must provide.

	"response": {
		"players": [
				"steamid": "76561197960361544",
				"communityvisibilitystate": 3,
				"profilestate": 1,
				"personaname": "aro",
				"lastlogoff": 1447902060,
				"commentpermission": 1,
				"profileurl": "http://steamcommunity.com/id/aro/",
				"avatar": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/1c/1cc16a968510ac7a3cf79bdae96c2c494e3e5e03.jpg",
				"avatarmedium": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/1c/1cc16a968510ac7a3cf79bdae96c2c494e3e5e03_medium.jpg",
				"avatarfull": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/1c/1cc16a968510ac7a3cf79bdae96c2c494e3e5e03_full.jpg",
				"personastate": 1,
				"realname": "The Dude",
				"primaryclanid": "103582791435784710",
				"timecreated": 1063378043,
				"personastateflags": 0,
				"gameextrainfo": "Dota 2",
				"gameid": "570",
				"loccountrycode": "US",
				"locstatecode": "FL",
				"loccityid": 928


IClientStats_1046930/ReportEvent Version: 1
POST https://api.steampowered.com/IClientStats_1046930/ReportEvent/v1
This method has no listed parameters.


ICSGOPlayers_730/GetNextMatchSharingCode Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ICSGOPlayers_730/GetNextMatchSharingCode/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The SteamID of the user
steamidkey string Authentication obtained from the SteamID
knowncode string Previously known match sharing code obtained from the SteamID


ICSGOServers_730/GetGameMapsPlaytime Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ICSGOServers_730/GetGameMapsPlaytime/v1
Name Type Required? Description
interval string What recent interval is requested, possible values: day, week, month
gamemode string What game mode is requested, possible values: competitive, casual
mapgroup string What maps are requested, possible values: operation
ICSGOServers_730/GetGameServersStatus Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ICSGOServers_730/GetGameServersStatus/v1
This method has no listed parameters.


ICSGOTournaments_730/GetTournamentFantasyLineup Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ICSGOTournaments_730/GetTournamentFantasyLineup/v1
Name Type Required? Description
event uint32 The event ID
steamid uint64 The SteamID of the user inventory
steamidkey string Authentication obtained from the SteamID
ICSGOTournaments_730/GetTournamentItems Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ICSGOTournaments_730/GetTournamentItems/v1
Name Type Required? Description
event uint32 The event ID
steamid uint64 The SteamID of the user inventory
steamidkey string Authentication obtained from the SteamID
ICSGOTournaments_730/GetTournamentLayout Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ICSGOTournaments_730/GetTournamentLayout/v1
Name Type Required? Description
event uint32 The event ID
ICSGOTournaments_730/GetTournamentPredictions Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ICSGOTournaments_730/GetTournamentPredictions/v1
Name Type Required? Description
event uint32 The event ID
steamid uint64 The SteamID of the user inventory
steamidkey string Authentication obtained from the SteamID
ICSGOTournaments_730/UploadTournamentFantasyLineup Version: 1
POST https://api.steampowered.com/ICSGOTournaments_730/UploadTournamentFantasyLineup/v1
Name Type Required? Description
event uint32 The event ID
steamid uint64 The SteamID of the user inventory
steamidkey string Authentication obtained from the SteamID
sectionid uint32 Event section id
pickid0 uint32 PickID to select for the slot
itemid0 uint64 ItemID to lock in for the pick
pickid1 uint32 PickID to select for the slot
itemid1 uint64 ItemID to lock in for the pick
pickid2 uint32 PickID to select for the slot
itemid2 uint64 ItemID to lock in for the pick
pickid3 uint32 PickID to select for the slot
itemid3 uint64 ItemID to lock in for the pick
pickid4 uint32 PickID to select for the slot
itemid4 uint64 ItemID to lock in for the pick
ICSGOTournaments_730/UploadTournamentPredictions Version: 1
POST https://api.steampowered.com/ICSGOTournaments_730/UploadTournamentPredictions/v1
Name Type Required? Description
event uint32 The event ID
steamid uint64 The SteamID of the user inventory
steamidkey string Authentication obtained from the SteamID
sectionid uint32 Event section id
groupid uint32 Event group id
index uint32 Index in group
pickid uint32 Pick ID to select
itemid uint64 ItemID to lock in for the pick


IDOTA2MatchStats_570/GetRealtimeStats Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2MatchStats_570/GetRealtimeStats/v1
Name Type Required? Description
server_steam_id uint64 This parameter has no listed description.


IDOTA2Match_570/GetLiveLeagueGames Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetLiveLeagueGames/v1
Name Type Required? Description
league_id uint32 Only show matches of the specified league id
match_id uint64 Only show matches of the specified match id
dpc bool Only show matches that are part of the DPC
IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchDetails Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchDetails/v1
Name Type Required? Description
match_id uint64 Match id
include_persona_names bool Include persona names as part of the response
IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistory Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistory/v1
Name Type Required? Description
hero_id uint32 The ID of the hero that must be in the matches being queried
game_mode uint32 Which game mode to return matches for
skill uint32 The average skill range of the match, these can be [1-3] with lower numbers being lower skill. Ignored if an account ID is specified
min_players string Minimum number of human players that must be in a match for it to be returned
account_id string An account ID to get matches from. This will fail if the user has their match history hidden
league_id string The league ID to return games from
start_at_match_id uint64 The minimum match ID to start from
matches_requested string The number of requested matches to return (maximum 100)
IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum/v1
Name Type Required? Description
start_at_match_seq_num uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
matches_requested uint32 This parameter has no listed description.
IDOTA2Match_570/GetTeamInfoByTeamID Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetTeamInfoByTeamID/v1
Name Type Required? Description
start_at_team_id uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
teams_requested uint32 This parameter has no listed description.
IDOTA2Match_570/GetTopLiveEventGame Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetTopLiveEventGame/v1
Name Type Required? Description
partner int32 Which partner's games to use.
IDOTA2Match_570/GetTopLiveGame Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetTopLiveGame/v1
Name Type Required? Description
partner int32 Which partner's games to use.
IDOTA2Match_570/GetTopWeekendTourneyGames Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetTopWeekendTourneyGames/v1
Name Type Required? Description
partner int32 Which partner's games to use.
home_division int32 Prefer matches from this division.
IDOTA2Match_570/GetTournamentPlayerStats Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetTournamentPlayerStats/v1
Name Type Required? Description
account_id string This parameter has no listed description.
league_id string This parameter has no listed description.
hero_id string This parameter has no listed description.
time_frame string This parameter has no listed description.
match_id uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
IDOTA2Match_570/GetTournamentPlayerStats Version: 2
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetTournamentPlayerStats/v2
Name Type Required? Description
account_id string This parameter has no listed description.
league_id string This parameter has no listed description.
hero_id string This parameter has no listed description.
time_frame string This parameter has no listed description.
match_id uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
phase_id uint32 This parameter has no listed description.


IDOTA2StreamSystem_570/GetBroadcasterInfo Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2StreamSystem_570/GetBroadcasterInfo/v1
Name Type Required? Description
broadcaster_steam_id uint64 64-bit Steam ID of the broadcaster
league_id uint32 LeagueID to use if we aren't in a lobby


IDOTA2Ticket_570/GetSteamIDForBadgeID Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Ticket_570/GetSteamIDForBadgeID/v1
Name Type Required? Description
BadgeID string The badge ID
IDOTA2Ticket_570/SetSteamAccountPurchased Version: 1
POST https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Ticket_570/SetSteamAccountPurchased/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The 64-bit Steam ID
BadgeType uint32 Badge Type
IDOTA2Ticket_570/SteamAccountValidForBadgeType Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Ticket_570/SteamAccountValidForBadgeType/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The 64-bit Steam ID
ValidBadgeType1 uint32 Valid Badge Type 1
ValidBadgeType2 uint32 Valid Badge Type 2
ValidBadgeType3 uint32 Valid Badge Type 3
ValidBadgeType4 uint32 Valid Badge Type 4


IEconDOTA2_570/GetEventStatsForAccount Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconDOTA2_570/GetEventStatsForAccount/v1
Name Type Required? Description
eventid uint32 The Event ID of the event you're looking for.
accountid uint32 The account ID to look up.
language string The language to provide hero names in.
IEconDOTA2_570/GetHeroes Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconDOTA2_570/GetHeroes/v1
Name Type Required? Description
language string The language to provide hero names in.
itemizedonly bool Return a list of itemized heroes only.
IEconDOTA2_570/GetItemCreators Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconDOTA2_570/GetItemCreators/v1
Name Type Required? Description
itemdef uint32 The item definition to get creator information for.
IEconDOTA2_570/GetItemWorkshopPublishedFileIDs Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconDOTA2_570/GetItemWorkshopPublishedFileIDs/v1
Name Type Required? Description
itemdef uint32 The item definition to get published file ids for.
IEconDOTA2_570/GetRarities Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconDOTA2_570/GetRarities/v1
Name Type Required? Description
language string The language to provide rarity names in.
IEconDOTA2_570/GetTournamentPrizePool Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconDOTA2_570/GetTournamentPrizePool/v1
Name Type Required? Description
leagueid uint32 The ID of the league to get the prize pool of


IEconItems_1046930/GetPlayerItems Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_1046930/GetPlayerItems/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The Steam ID to fetch items for


IEconItems_1269260/GetEquippedPlayerItems Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_1269260/GetEquippedPlayerItems/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The Steam ID to fetch items for
class_id uint32 Return items equipped for this class id


IEconItems_238460/GetPlayerItems Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_238460/GetPlayerItems/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The Steam ID to fetch items for


IEconItems_440/GetPlayerItems Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_440/GetPlayerItems/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The Steam ID to fetch items for
IEconItems_440/GetSchema Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_440/GetSchema/v1
Name Type Required? Description
language string The language to return the names in. Defaults to returning string keys.
IEconItems_440/GetSchemaItems Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_440/GetSchemaItems/v1
Name Type Required? Description
language string The language to return the names in. Defaults to returning string keys.
start int32 The first item id to return. Defaults to 0. Response will indicate next value to query if applicable.
IEconItems_440/GetSchemaOverview Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_440/GetSchemaOverview/v1
Name Type Required? Description
language string The language to return the names in. Defaults to returning string keys.
IEconItems_440/GetSchemaURL Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_440/GetSchemaURL/v1
This method has no listed parameters.
IEconItems_440/GetStoreMetaData Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_440/GetStoreMetaData/v1
Name Type Required? Description
language string The language to results in.
IEconItems_440/GetStoreStatus Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_440/GetStoreStatus/v1
This method has no listed parameters.


IEconItems_570/GetPlayerItems Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_570/GetPlayerItems/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The Steam ID to fetch items for
IEconItems_570/GetStoreMetaData Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_570/GetStoreMetaData/v1
Name Type Required? Description
language string The language to results in.


IEconItems_583950/GetEquippedPlayerItems Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_583950/GetEquippedPlayerItems/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The Steam ID to fetch items for
class_id uint32 Return items equipped for this class id


IEconItems_620/GetPlayerItems Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_620/GetPlayerItems/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The Steam ID to fetch items for
IEconItems_620/GetSchema Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_620/GetSchema/v1
Name Type Required? Description
language string The language to return the names in. Defaults to returning string keys.


IEconItems_730/GetPlayerItems Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_730/GetPlayerItems/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The Steam ID to fetch items for
IEconItems_730/GetSchema Version: 2
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_730/GetSchema/v2
Name Type Required? Description
language string The language to return the names in. Defaults to returning string keys.
IEconItems_730/GetSchemaURL Version: 2
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_730/GetSchemaURL/v2
This method has no listed parameters.
IEconItems_730/GetStoreMetaData Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_730/GetStoreMetaData/v1
Name Type Required? Description
language string The language to results in.


IGCVersion_1046930/GetClientVersion Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGCVersion_1046930/GetClientVersion/v1
This method has no listed parameters.
IGCVersion_1046930/GetServerVersion Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGCVersion_1046930/GetServerVersion/v1
This method has no listed parameters.


IGCVersion_1269260/GetClientVersion Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGCVersion_1269260/GetClientVersion/v1
This method has no listed parameters.
IGCVersion_1269260/GetServerVersion Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGCVersion_1269260/GetServerVersion/v1
This method has no listed parameters.


IGCVersion_1422450/GetClientVersion Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGCVersion_1422450/GetClientVersion/v1
This method has no listed parameters.
IGCVersion_1422450/GetServerVersion Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGCVersion_1422450/GetServerVersion/v1
This method has no listed parameters.


IGCVersion_440/GetClientVersion Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGCVersion_440/GetClientVersion/v1
This method has no listed parameters.
IGCVersion_440/GetServerVersion Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGCVersion_440/GetServerVersion/v1
This method has no listed parameters.


IGCVersion_570/GetClientVersion Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGCVersion_570/GetClientVersion/v1
This method has no listed parameters.
IGCVersion_570/GetServerVersion Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGCVersion_570/GetServerVersion/v1
This method has no listed parameters.


IGCVersion_583950/GetClientVersion Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGCVersion_583950/GetClientVersion/v1
This method has no listed parameters.
IGCVersion_583950/GetServerVersion Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGCVersion_583950/GetServerVersion/v1
This method has no listed parameters.


IGCVersion_730/GetServerVersion Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGCVersion_730/GetServerVersion/v1
This method has no listed parameters.


IPortal2Leaderboards_620/GetBucketizedData Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IPortal2Leaderboards_620/GetBucketizedData/v1
Name Type Required? Description
leaderboardName string The leaderboard name to fetch data for.


ISteamApps/GetAppList Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetAppList/v1
This method has no listed parameters.
ISteamApps/GetAppList Version: 2
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetAppList/v2
This method has no listed parameters.
ISteamApps/GetSDRConfig Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetSDRConfig/v1
Name Type Required? Description
appid uint32 AppID of game
ISteamApps/GetServersAtAddress Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetServersAtAddress/v1
Name Type Required? Description
addr string IP or IP:queryport to list
ISteamApps/UpToDateCheck Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/UpToDateCheck/v1
Name Type Required? Description
appid uint32 AppID of game
version uint32 The installed version of the game


ISteamBroadcast/ViewerHeartbeat Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamBroadcast/ViewerHeartbeat/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 Steam ID of the broadcaster
sessionid uint64 Broadcast Session ID
token uint64 Viewer token
stream int32 video stream representation watching


ISteamCDN/SetClientFilters Version: 1
POST https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamCDN/SetClientFilters/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
cdnname string Steam name of CDN property
allowedipblocks string comma-separated list of allowed IP address blocks in CIDR format - blank for not used
allowedasns string comma-separated list of allowed client network AS numbers - blank for not used
allowedipcountries string comma-separated list of allowed client IP country codes in ISO 3166-1 format - blank for not used
ISteamCDN/SetPerformanceStats Version: 1
POST https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamCDN/SetPerformanceStats/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
cdnname string Steam name of CDN property
mbps_sent uint32 Outgoing network traffic in Mbps
mbps_recv uint32 Incoming network traffic in Mbps
cpu_percent uint32 Percent CPU load
cache_hit_percent uint32 Percent cache hits


ISteamDirectory/GetCMList Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamDirectory/GetCMList/v1
Name Type Required? Description
cellid uint32 Client's Steam cell ID
maxcount uint32 Max number of servers to return
ISteamDirectory/GetCMListForConnect Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamDirectory/GetCMListForConnect/v1
Name Type Required? Description
cellid uint32 Client's Steam cell ID, uses IP location if blank
cmtype string Optional CM type filter
realm string Optional Steam Realm filter
maxcount uint32 Max number of servers to return
qoslevel uint32 Desired connection priority
ISteamDirectory/GetSteamPipeDomains Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamDirectory/GetSteamPipeDomains/v1
This method has no listed parameters.


ISteamEconomy/GetAssetClassInfo Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamEconomy/GetAssetClassInfo/v1
Name Type Required? Description
appid uint32 Must be a steam economy app.
language string The user's local language
class_count uint32 Number of classes requested. Must be at least one.
classid0 uint64 Class ID of the nth class.
instanceid0 uint64 Instance ID of the nth class.
ISteamEconomy/GetAssetPrices Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamEconomy/GetAssetPrices/v1
Name Type Required? Description
appid uint32 Must be a steam economy app.
currency string The currency to filter for
language string The user's local language


ISteamNews/GetNewsForApp Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamNews/GetNewsForApp/v1
Name Type Required? Description
appid uint32 AppID to retrieve news for
maxlength uint32 Maximum length for the content to return, if this is 0 the full content is returned, if it's less then a blurb is generated to fit.
enddate uint32 Retrieve posts earlier than this date (unix epoch timestamp)
count uint32 # of posts to retrieve (default 20)
tags string Comma-separated list of tags to filter by (e.g. 'patchnodes')
ISteamNews/GetNewsForApp Version: 2
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamNews/GetNewsForApp/v2
Name Type Required? Description
appid uint32 AppID to retrieve news for
maxlength uint32 Maximum length for the content to return, if this is 0 the full content is returned, if it's less then a blurb is generated to fit.
enddate uint32 Retrieve posts earlier than this date (unix epoch timestamp)
count uint32 # of posts to retrieve (default 20)
feeds string Comma-separated list of feed names to return news for
tags string Comma-separated list of tags to filter by (e.g. 'patchnodes')


ISteamRemoteStorage/GetCollectionDetails Version: 1
POST https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamRemoteStorage/GetCollectionDetails/v1
Name Type Required? Description
collectioncount uint32 Number of collections being requested
publishedfileids[0] uint64 collection ids to get the details for
ISteamRemoteStorage/GetPublishedFileDetails Version: 1
POST https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamRemoteStorage/GetPublishedFileDetails/v1
Name Type Required? Description
itemcount uint32 Number of items being requested
publishedfileids[0] uint64 published file id to look up
ISteamRemoteStorage/GetUGCFileDetails Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamRemoteStorage/GetUGCFileDetails/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 If specified, only returns details if the file is owned by the SteamID specified
ugcid uint64 ID of UGC file to get info for
appid uint32 appID of product


ISteamUser/GetFriendList Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetFriendList/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
steamid uint64 SteamID of user
relationship string relationship type (ex: friend)
ISteamUser/GetPlayerBans Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerBans/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
steamids string Comma-delimited list of SteamIDs
ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
steamids string Comma-delimited list of SteamIDs
ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries Version: 2
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v2
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
steamids string Comma-delimited list of SteamIDs (max: 100)
ISteamUser/GetUserGroupList Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetUserGroupList/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
steamid uint64 SteamID of user
ISteamUser/ResolveVanityURL Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/ResolveVanityURL/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
vanityurl string The vanity URL to get a SteamID for
url_type int32 The type of vanity URL. 1 (default): Individual profile, 2: Group, 3: Official game group


ISteamUserAuth/AuthenticateUserTicket Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserAuth/AuthenticateUserTicket/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
appid uint32 appid of game
ticket string Ticket from GetAuthSessionTicket.


ISteamUserOAuth/GetTokenDetails Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserOAuth/GetTokenDetails/v1
Name Type Required? Description
access_token string OAuth2 token for which to return details


ISteamUserStats/GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp/v1
Name Type Required? Description
gameid uint64 GameID to retrieve the achievement percentages for
ISteamUserStats/GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp Version: 2
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp/v2
Name Type Required? Description
gameid uint64 GameID to retrieve the achievement percentages for
ISteamUserStats/GetGlobalStatsForGame Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetGlobalStatsForGame/v1
Name Type Required? Description
appid uint32 AppID that we're getting global stats for
count uint32 Number of stats get data for
name[0] string Names of stat to get data for
startdate uint32 Start date for daily totals (unix epoch timestamp)
enddate uint32 End date for daily totals (unix epoch timestamp)
ISteamUserStats/GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers/v1
Name Type Required? Description
appid uint32 AppID that we're getting user count for
ISteamUserStats/GetPlayerAchievements Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetPlayerAchievements/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
steamid uint64 SteamID of user
appid uint32 AppID to get achievements for
l string Language to return strings for
ISteamUserStats/GetSchemaForGame Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetSchemaForGame/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
appid uint32 appid of game
l string localized langauge to return (english, french, etc.)
ISteamUserStats/GetSchemaForGame Version: 2
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetSchemaForGame/v2
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
appid uint32 appid of game
l string localized language to return (english, french, etc.)
ISteamUserStats/GetUserStatsForGame Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetUserStatsForGame/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
steamid uint64 SteamID of user
appid uint32 appid of game
ISteamUserStats/GetUserStatsForGame Version: 2
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetUserStatsForGame/v2
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key
steamid uint64 SteamID of user
appid uint32 appid of game


ISteamWebAPIUtil/GetServerInfo Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebAPIUtil/GetServerInfo/v1
This method has no listed parameters.
ISteamWebAPIUtil/GetSupportedAPIList Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamWebAPIUtil/GetSupportedAPIList/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string access key


ITFItems_440/GetGoldenWrenches Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ITFItems_440/GetGoldenWrenches/v1
This method has no listed parameters.
ITFItems_440/GetGoldenWrenches Version: 2
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ITFItems_440/GetGoldenWrenches/v2
This method has no listed parameters.


ITFPromos_440/GetItemID Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ITFPromos_440/GetItemID/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The Steam ID to fetch items for
promoid uint32 The promo ID to grant an item for
ITFPromos_440/GrantItem Version: 1
POST https://api.steampowered.com/ITFPromos_440/GrantItem/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The Steam ID to fetch items for
promoid uint32 The promo ID to grant an item for


ITFPromos_620/GetItemID Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ITFPromos_620/GetItemID/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The Steam ID to fetch items for
PromoID uint32 The promo ID to grant an item for
ITFPromos_620/GrantItem Version: 1
POST https://api.steampowered.com/ITFPromos_620/GrantItem/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 The Steam ID to fetch items for
PromoID uint32 The promo ID to grant an item for


ITFSystem_440/GetWorldStatus Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/ITFSystem_440/GetWorldStatus/v1
This method has no listed parameters.


IGameServersService/GetAccountList Version: 1

Gets a list of game server accounts with their logon tokens

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/GetAccountList/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
IGameServersService/CreateAccount Version: 1

Creates a persistent game server account

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/CreateAccount/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
appid uint32 The app to use the account for
memo string The memo to set on the new account
IGameServersService/SetMemo Version: 1

This method changes the memo associated with the game server account. Memos do not affect the account in any way. The memo shows up in the GetAccountList response and serves only as a reminder of what the account is used for.

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/SetMemo/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid uint64 The SteamID of the game server to set the memo on
memo string The memo to set on the new account
IGameServersService/ResetLoginToken Version: 1

Generates a new login token for the specified game server

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/ResetLoginToken/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid uint64 The SteamID of the game server to reset the login token of
IGameServersService/DeleteAccount Version: 1

Deletes a persistent game server account

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/DeleteAccount/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid uint64 The SteamID of the game server account to delete
IGameServersService/GetAccountPublicInfo Version: 1

Gets public information about a given game server account

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/GetAccountPublicInfo/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid uint64 The SteamID of the game server to get info on
IGameServersService/QueryLoginToken Version: 1

Queries the status of the specified token, which must be owned by you

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/QueryLoginToken/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
login_token string Login token to query
IGameServersService/GetServerSteamIDsByIP Version: 1

Gets a list of server SteamIDs given a list of IPs

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/GetServerSteamIDsByIP/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
server_ips string This parameter has no listed description.
IGameServersService/GetServerIPsBySteamID Version: 1

Gets a list of server IP addresses given a list of SteamIDs

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/GetServerIPsBySteamID/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
server_steamids uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
IGameServersService/QueryByFakeIP Version: 1

Perform a query on a specific server by FakeIP

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IGameServersService/QueryByFakeIP/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
fake_ip uint32 FakeIP of server to query.
fake_port uint32 Fake port of server to query.
app_id uint32 AppID to use. Each AppID has its own FakeIP address.
query_type {enum} What type of query?


IPlayerService/IsPlayingSharedGame Version: 1

Obsolete, partners should use ISteamUser.CheckAppOwnership

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IPlayerService/IsPlayingSharedGame/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid uint64 The player we're asking about
appid_playing uint32 The game player is currently playing
IPlayerService/RecordOfflinePlaytime Version: 1

Tracks playtime for a user when they are offline

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IPlayerService/RecordOfflinePlaytime/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
ticket string This parameter has no listed description.
play_sessions {message} This parameter has no listed description.
IPlayerService/GetRecentlyPlayedGames Version: 1

Gets information about a player's recently played games

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IPlayerService/GetRecentlyPlayedGames/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid uint64 The player we're asking about
count uint32 The number of games to return (0/unset: all)
IPlayerService/GetOwnedGames Version: 1

Return a list of games owned by the player

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IPlayerService/GetOwnedGames/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid uint64 The player we're asking about
include_appinfo bool true if we want additional details (name, icon) about each game
include_played_free_games bool Free games are excluded by default. If this is set, free games the user has played will be returned.
appids_filter uint32 if set, restricts result set to the passed in apps
include_free_sub bool Some games are in the free sub, which are excluded by default.
skip_unvetted_apps bool if set, skip unvetted store apps
language string Will return appinfo in this language
include_extended_appinfo bool true if we want even more details (capsule, sortas, and capabilities) about each game. include_appinfo must also be true.
IPlayerService/GetSteamLevel Version: 1

Returns the Steam Level of a user

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IPlayerService/GetSteamLevel/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid uint64 The player we're asking about
IPlayerService/GetBadges Version: 1

Gets badges that are owned by a specific user

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IPlayerService/GetBadges/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid uint64 The player we're asking about
IPlayerService/GetCommunityBadgeProgress Version: 1

Gets all the quests needed to get the specified badge, and which are completed

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IPlayerService/GetCommunityBadgeProgress/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid uint64 The player we're asking about
badgeid int32 The badge we're asking about


IAuthenticationService/PollAuthSessionStatus Version: 1

poll during authentication process

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/PollAuthSessionStatus/v1
Name Type Required? Description
client_id uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
request_id string This parameter has no listed description.
token_to_revoke uint64 If this is set to a token owned by this user, that token will be retired
IAuthenticationService/GetAuthSessionInfo Version: 1

get metadata of specific auth session, this will also implicitly bind the calling account

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/GetAuthSessionInfo/v1
Name Type Required? Description
client_id uint64 client ID from scanned QR Code, used for routing
IAuthenticationService/GetAuthSessionRiskInfo Version: 1

get risk metadata for a specific auth session that has been deemed risky

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/GetAuthSessionRiskInfo/v1
Name Type Required? Description
client_id uint64 client ID from scanned QR Code, used for routing
language uint32 language for optimistic localization of geoloc data
IAuthenticationService/NotifyRiskQuizResults Version: 1

notify the server about risk quiz responses for metrics purposes

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/NotifyRiskQuizResults/v1
Name Type Required? Description
client_id uint64 client ID for the auth session, used for routing
results {message} Whether or not the user correctly answered each risk quiz question
selected_action string The action being taken selected by the user during the quiz
did_confirm_login bool Whether or not the user went on to confirm the login or not in the case of a passed quiz
IAuthenticationService/GetPasswordRSAPublicKey Version: 1

Fetches RSA public key to use to encrypt passwords for a given account name

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/GetPasswordRSAPublicKey/v1
Name Type Required? Description
account_name string user-provided account name to get an RSA key for
IAuthenticationService/BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials Version: 1

start authentication process

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials/v1
Name Type Required? Description
device_friendly_name string This parameter has no listed description.
account_name string This parameter has no listed description.
encrypted_password string password, RSA encrypted client side
encryption_timestamp uint64 timestamp to map to a key - STime
remember_login bool deprecated
platform_type {enum} This parameter has no listed description.
persistence {enum} whether we are requesting a persistent or an ephemeral session
website_id string (EMachineAuthWebDomain) identifier of client requesting auth
device_details {message} User-supplied details about the device attempting to sign in
guard_data string steam guard data for client login
language uint32 This parameter has no listed description.
qos_level int32 [ENetQOSLevel] client-specified priority for this auth attempt
IAuthenticationService/UpdateAuthSessionWithSteamGuardCode Version: 1

approve an authentication session via steam guard code

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/UpdateAuthSessionWithSteamGuardCode/v1
Name Type Required? Description
client_id uint64 pending client ID, from initialized session
steamid uint64 user who wants to login
code string confirmation code
code_type {enum} type of confirmation code
IAuthenticationService/BeginAuthSessionViaQR Version: 1

start authentication process

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/BeginAuthSessionViaQR/v1
Name Type Required? Description
device_friendly_name string This parameter has no listed description.
platform_type {enum} This parameter has no listed description.
device_details {message} User-supplied details about the device attempting to sign in
website_id string (EMachineAuthWebDomain) identifier of client requesting auth
IAuthenticationService/UpdateAuthSessionWithMobileConfirmation Version: 1

approve an authentication session via mobile 2fa

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/UpdateAuthSessionWithMobileConfirmation/v1
Name Type Required? Description
version int32 version field
client_id uint64 pending client ID, from scanned QR Code
steamid uint64 user who wants to login
signature string HMAC digest over {version,client_id,steamid} via user's private key
confirm bool Whether to confirm the login (true) or deny the login (false)
persistence {enum} whether we are requesting a persistent or an ephemeral session


IBroadcastService/PostGameDataFrameRTMP Version: 1

Add a game meta data frame to broadcast from a client. Uses RTMP token for validation

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IBroadcastService/PostGameDataFrameRTMP/v1
Name Type Required? Description
appid uint32 AppID of the game being broadcasted
steamid uint64 Broadcasters SteamID
rtmp_token string Valid RTMP token for the Broadcaster
frame_data string game data frame expressing current state of game (string, zipped, whatever)


IContentServerConfigService/SetSteamCacheClientFilters Version: 1

Update the client filters for a SteamCache node

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IContentServerConfigService/SetSteamCacheClientFilters/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
cache_id uint32 Unique ID number
cache_key string Valid current cache API key
change_notes string Notes
allowed_ip_blocks string comma-separated list of allowed IP address blocks in CIDR format - blank to clear unfilter
IContentServerConfigService/GetSteamCacheNodeParams Version: 1

Get the operational parameters for a SteamCache node (information the node uses to operate).

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IContentServerConfigService/GetSteamCacheNodeParams/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
cache_id uint32 Unique ID number
cache_key string Valid current cache API key
IContentServerConfigService/SetSteamCachePerformanceStats Version: 1

Update the performance/load stats for a SteamCache node

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IContentServerConfigService/SetSteamCachePerformanceStats/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
cache_id uint32 Unique ID number
cache_key string Valid current cache API key
mbps_sent uint32 Outgoing network traffic in Mbps
mbps_recv uint32 Incoming network traffic in Mbps
cpu_percent uint32 Percent CPU load
cache_hit_percent uint32 Percent cache hits
num_connected_ips uint32 Number of unique connected IP addresses
upstream_egress_utilization uint32 (deprecated) What is the percent utilization of the busiest datacenter egress link?
upstream_peering_utilization uint32 What is the percent utilization of the busiest peering link?
upstream_transit_utilization uint32 What is the percent utilization of the busiest transit link?


IContentServerDirectoryService/GetCDNForVideo Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IContentServerDirectoryService/GetCDNForVideo/v1
Name Type Required? Description
property_type int32 ECDNPropertyType
client_ip string client IP address
client_region string client region
IContentServerDirectoryService/PickSingleContentServer Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IContentServerDirectoryService/PickSingleContentServer/v1
Name Type Required? Description
property_type int32 ECDNPropertyType
cell_id uint32 client Cell ID
client_ip string client IP address
IContentServerDirectoryService/GetServersForSteamPipe Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IContentServerDirectoryService/GetServersForSteamPipe/v1
Name Type Required? Description
cell_id uint32 client Cell ID
max_servers uint32 max servers in response list
ip_override string client IP address
launcher_type int32 launcher type
ipv6_public string client public ipv6 address if it knows it
current_connections {message} what sources is the client currently using
IContentServerDirectoryService/GetClientUpdateHosts Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IContentServerDirectoryService/GetClientUpdateHosts/v1
Name Type Required? Description
cached_signature string This parameter has no listed description.
IContentServerDirectoryService/GetDepotPatchInfo Version: 1
GET https://api.steampowered.com/IContentServerDirectoryService/GetDepotPatchInfo/v1
Name Type Required? Description
appid uint32 This parameter has no listed description.
depotid uint32 This parameter has no listed description.
source_manifestid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
target_manifestid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.


IPublishedFileService/GetUserVoteSummary Version: 1

Get user vote summary

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IPublishedFileService/GetUserVoteSummary/v1
Name Type Required? Description
publishedfileids uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
IPublishedFileService/QueryFiles Version: 1

Performs a search query for published files

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IPublishedFileService/QueryFiles/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
query_type uint32 enumeration EPublishedFileQueryType in clientenums.h
page uint32 Current page
cursor string Cursor to paginate through the results (set to '*' for the first request). Prefer this over using the page parameter, as it will allow you to do deep pagination. When used, the page parameter will be ignored.
numperpage uint32 (Optional) The number of results, per page to return.
creator_appid uint32 App that created the files
appid uint32 App that consumes the files
requiredtags string Tags to match on. See match_all_tags parameter below
excludedtags string (Optional) Tags that must NOT be present on a published file to satisfy the query.
match_all_tags bool If true, then items must have all the tags specified, otherwise they must have at least one of the tags.
required_flags string Required flags that must be set on any returned items
omitted_flags string Flags that must not be set on any returned items
search_text string Text to match in the item's title or description
filetype uint32 EPublishedFileInfoMatchingFileType
child_publishedfileid uint64 Find all items that reference the given item.
days uint32 If query_type is k_PublishedFileQueryType_RankedByTrend, then this is the number of days to get votes for [1,7].
include_recent_votes_only bool If query_type is k_PublishedFileQueryType_RankedByTrend, then limit result set just to items that have votes within the day range given
cache_max_age_seconds uint32 Allow stale data to be returned for the specified number of seconds.
language int32 Language to search in and also what gets returned. Defaults to English.
required_kv_tags {message} Required key-value tags to match on.
taggroups {message} (Optional) At least one of the tags must be present on a published file to satisfy the query.
date_range_created {message} (Optional) Filter to items created within this range.
date_range_updated {message} (Optional) Filter to items updated within this range.
excluded_content_descriptors {enum} (Optional) Filter out items that have these content descriptors.
admin_query bool Admin tool is doing a query, return hidden items
totalonly bool (Optional) If true, only return the total number of files that satisfy this query.
ids_only bool (Optional) If true, only return the published file ids of files that satisfy this query.
return_vote_data bool Return vote data
return_tags bool Return tags in the file details
return_kv_tags bool Return key-value tags in the file details
return_previews bool Return preview image and video details in the file details
return_children bool Return child item ids in the file details
return_short_description bool Populate the short_description field instead of file_description
return_for_sale_data bool Return pricing information, if applicable
return_metadata bool Populate the metadata
return_playtime_stats uint32 Return playtime stats for the specified number of days before today.
return_details bool By default, if none of the other 'return_*' fields are set, only some voting details are returned. Set this to true to return the default set of details.
strip_description_bbcode bool Strips BBCode from descriptions.
desired_revision {enum} Return the data for the specified revision.
return_reactions bool If true, then reactions to items will be returned.
IPublishedFileService/GetSubSectionData Version: 1

Get sub section data (for table of contents, a specific section, or all)

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IPublishedFileService/GetSubSectionData/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
publishedfileid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
for_table_of_contents bool This parameter has no listed description.
specific_sectionid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
desired_revision {enum} Return the data for the specified revision.
IPublishedFileService/GetDetails Version: 1

Retrieves information about a set of published files.

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IPublishedFileService/GetDetails/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
publishedfileids uint64 Set of published file Ids to retrieve details for.
includetags bool If true, return tag information in the returned details.
includeadditionalpreviews bool If true, return preview information in the returned details.
includechildren bool If true, return children in the returned details.
includekvtags bool If true, return key value tags in the returned details.
includevotes bool If true, return vote data in the returned details.
short_description bool If true, return a short description instead of the full description.
includeforsaledata bool If true, return pricing data, if applicable.
includemetadata bool If true, populate the metadata field.
language int32 Specifies the localized text to return. Defaults to English.
return_playtime_stats uint32 Return playtime stats for the specified number of days before today.
appid uint32 This parameter has no listed description.
strip_description_bbcode bool Strips BBCode from descriptions.
desired_revision {enum} Return the data for the specified revision.
includereactions bool If true, then reactions to items will be returned.
admin_query bool Admin tool is doing a query, return hidden items
IPublishedFileService/GetUserFiles Version: 1

Retrieves files published by a user.

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IPublishedFileService/GetUserFiles/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid uint64 Steam ID of the user whose files are being requested.
appid uint32 App Id of the app that the files were published to.
shortcutid uint32 (Optional) Shortcut Id to retrieve published files from.
page uint32 (Optional) Starting page for results.
numperpage uint32 (Optional) The number of results, per page to return.
type string (Optional) Type of files to be returned.
sortmethod string (Optional) Sorting method to use on returned values.
privacy uint32 (optional) Filter by privacy settings.
requiredtags string (Optional) Tags that must be present on a published file to satisfy the query.
excludedtags string (Optional) Tags that must NOT be present on a published file to satisfy the query.
required_kv_tags {message} Required key-value tags to match on.
filetype uint32 (Optional) File type to match files to.
creator_appid uint32 App Id of the app that published the files, only matched if specified.
match_cloud_filename string Match this cloud filename if specified.
cache_max_age_seconds uint32 Allow stale data to be returned for the specified number of seconds.
language int32 Specifies the localized text to return. Defaults to English.
taggroups {message} (Optional) At least one of the tags must be present on a published file to satisfy the query.
excluded_content_descriptors {enum} (Optional) Filter out items that have these content descriptors.
admin_query bool Admin tool is doing a query, return hidden items
totalonly bool (Optional) If true, only return the total number of files that satisfy this query.
ids_only bool (Optional) If true, only return the published file ids of files that satisfy this query.
return_vote_data bool Return vote data
return_tags bool Return tags in the file details
return_kv_tags bool Return key-value tags in the file details
return_previews bool Return preview image and video details in the file details
return_children bool Return child item ids in the file details
return_short_description bool Populate the short_description field instead of file_description
return_for_sale_data bool Return pricing information, if applicable
return_metadata bool Populate the metadata field
return_playtime_stats uint32 Return playtime stats for the specified number of days before today.
strip_description_bbcode bool Strips BBCode from descriptions.
return_reactions bool If true, then reactions to items will be returned.
startindex_override uint32 Backwards compatible for the client.
desired_revision {enum} Return the data for the specified revision.
return_apps bool Return list of apps the items belong to
IPublishedFileService/GetUserFileCount Version: 1

Retrieves a count of files published by a user. Uses the same messages as GetUserFiles but totalonly must be true.

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IPublishedFileService/GetUserFileCount/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid uint64 Steam ID of the user whose files are being requested.
appid uint32 App Id of the app that the files were published to.
shortcutid uint32 (Optional) Shortcut Id to retrieve published files from.
page uint32 (Optional) Starting page for results.
numperpage uint32 (Optional) The number of results, per page to return.
type string (Optional) Type of files to be returned.
sortmethod string (Optional) Sorting method to use on returned values.
privacy uint32 (optional) Filter by privacy settings.
requiredtags string (Optional) Tags that must be present on a published file to satisfy the query.
excludedtags string (Optional) Tags that must NOT be present on a published file to satisfy the query.
required_kv_tags {message} Required key-value tags to match on.
filetype uint32 (Optional) File type to match files to.
creator_appid uint32 App Id of the app that published the files, only matched if specified.
match_cloud_filename string Match this cloud filename if specified.
cache_max_age_seconds uint32 Allow stale data to be returned for the specified number of seconds.
language int32 Specifies the localized text to return. Defaults to English.
taggroups {message} (Optional) At least one of the tags must be present on a published file to satisfy the query.
excluded_content_descriptors {enum} (Optional) Filter out items that have these content descriptors.
admin_query bool Admin tool is doing a query, return hidden items
totalonly bool (Optional) If true, only return the total number of files that satisfy this query.
ids_only bool (Optional) If true, only return the published file ids of files that satisfy this query.
return_vote_data bool Return vote data
return_tags bool Return tags in the file details
return_kv_tags bool Return key-value tags in the file details
return_previews bool Return preview image and video details in the file details
return_children bool Return child item ids in the file details
return_short_description bool Populate the short_description field instead of file_description
return_for_sale_data bool Return pricing information, if applicable
return_metadata bool Populate the metadata field
return_playtime_stats uint32 Return playtime stats for the specified number of days before today.
strip_description_bbcode bool Strips BBCode from descriptions.
return_reactions bool If true, then reactions to items will be returned.
startindex_override uint32 Backwards compatible for the client.
desired_revision {enum} Return the data for the specified revision.
return_apps bool Return list of apps the items belong to


IEconService/GetTradeHistory Version: 1

Gets a history of trades

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconService/GetTradeHistory/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
max_trades uint32 The number of trades to return information for
start_after_time uint32 The time of the last trade shown on the previous page of results, or the time of the first trade if navigating back
start_after_tradeid uint64 The tradeid shown on the previous page of results, or the ID of the first trade if navigating back
navigating_back bool The user wants the previous page of results, so return the previous max_trades trades before the start time and ID
get_descriptions bool If set, the item display data for the items included in the returned trades will also be returned
language string The language to use when loading item display data
include_failed bool This parameter has no listed description.
include_total bool If set, the total number of trades the account has participated in will be included in the response
IEconService/GetTradeStatus Version: 1

Gets status for a specific trade

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconService/GetTradeStatus/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
tradeid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
get_descriptions bool If set, the item display data for the items included in the returned trades will also be returned
language string The language to use when loading item display data
IEconService/GetTradeOffers Version: 1

Get a list of sent or received trade offers

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconService/GetTradeOffers/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
get_sent_offers bool Request the list of sent offers.
get_received_offers bool Request the list of received offers.
get_descriptions bool If set, the item display data for the items included in the returned trade offers will also be returned. If one or more descriptions can't be retrieved, then your request will fail.
language string The language to use when loading item display data.
active_only bool Indicates we should only return offers which are still active, or offers that have changed in state since the time_historical_cutoff
historical_only bool Indicates we should only return offers which are not active.
time_historical_cutoff uint32 When active_only is set, offers updated since this time will also be returned. When historical_only is set, only offers updated since this time are included.
cursor uint32 Cursor aka start index
IEconService/GetTradeOffer Version: 1

Gets a specific trade offer

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconService/GetTradeOffer/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
tradeofferid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
language string This parameter has no listed description.
get_descriptions bool If set, the item display data for the items included in the returned trade offers will also be returned. If one or more descriptions can't be retrieved, then your request will fail.
IEconService/GetTradeOffersSummary Version: 1

Get counts of pending and new trade offers

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconService/GetTradeOffersSummary/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
time_last_visit uint32 The time the user last visited. If not passed, will use the time the user last visited the trade offer page.
IEconService/GetTradeHoldDurations Version: 1

Returns the estimated hold duration and end date that a trade with a user would have

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IEconService/GetTradeHoldDurations/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid_target uint64 User you are trading with
trade_offer_access_token string A special token that allows for trade offers from non-friends.


IGameNotificationsService/UserCreateSession Version: 1

Creates an async game session

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IGameNotificationsService/UserCreateSession/v1
Name Type Required? Description
appid uint32 The appid to create the session for.
context uint64 Game-specified context value the game can used to associate the session with some object on their backend.
title {message} The title of the session to be displayed within each user's list of sessions.
users {message} The initial state of all users in the session.
steamid uint64 (Optional) steamid to make the request on behalf of -- if specified, the user must be in the session and all users being added to the session must be friends with the user.
IGameNotificationsService/UserUpdateSession Version: 1

Updates an async game session

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IGameNotificationsService/UserUpdateSession/v1
Name Type Required? Description
sessionid uint64 The sessionid to update.
appid uint32 The appid of the session to update.
title {message} (Optional) The new title of the session. If not specified, the title will not be changed.
users {message} (Optional) A list of users whose state will be updated to reflect the given state. If the users are not already in the session, they will be added to it.
steamid uint64 (Optional) steamid to make the request on behalf of -- if specified, the user must be in the session and all users being added to the session must be friends with the user.
IGameNotificationsService/UserDeleteSession Version: 1

Deletes an async game session

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IGameNotificationsService/UserDeleteSession/v1
Name Type Required? Description
sessionid uint64 The sessionid to delete.
appid uint32 The appid of the session to delete.
steamid uint64 (Optional) steamid to make the request on behalf of -- if specified, the user must be in the session.


IInventoryService/SplitItemStack Version: 1

Split an item stack into two stacks

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IInventoryService/SplitItemStack/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
appid uint32 This parameter has no listed description.
itemid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
quantity uint32 This parameter has no listed description.
steamid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
IInventoryService/CombineItemStacks Version: 1

Combine two stacks of items

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IInventoryService/CombineItemStacks/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
appid uint32 This parameter has no listed description.
fromitemid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
destitemid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
quantity uint32 This parameter has no listed description.
steamid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
IInventoryService/GetPriceSheet Version: 1

Get the Inventory Service price sheet

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IInventoryService/GetPriceSheet/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
ecurrency int32 This parameter has no listed description.
currency_code string Standard short code of the requested currency (preferred)


IWishlistService/GetWishlistSortedFiltered Version: 1

Get a user's paginated wishlist applying various sorts and filters

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IWishlistService/GetWishlistSortedFiltered/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
context {message} This parameter has no listed description.
data_request {message} If passed, item data will be returned
sort_order {enum} This parameter has no listed description.
filters {message} This parameter has no listed description.
start_index int32 Data in this range will be filled in with StoreBrowse data
page_size int32 This parameter has no listed description.
IWishlistService/GetWishlist Version: 1

Get a user's wishlist.

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IWishlistService/GetWishlist/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
IWishlistService/GetWishlistItemCount Version: 1

Get the number of items on a user's wishlist.

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IWishlistService/GetWishlistItemCount/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 This parameter has no listed description.


IStoreService/GetAppList Version: 1

Gets a list of apps available on the Steam Store.

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IStoreService/GetAppList/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
if_modified_since uint32 Return only items that have been modified since this date.
have_description_language string Return only items that have a description in this language.
include_games bool Include games (defaults to enabled)
include_dlc bool Include DLC
include_software bool Include software items
include_videos bool Include videos and series
include_hardware bool Include hardware
last_appid uint32 For continuations, this is the last appid returned from the previous call.
max_results uint32 Number of results to return at a time. Default 10k, max 50k.
IStoreService/GetRecommendedTagsForUser Version: 1

Get a set of tags that are recommended for the user based on recent playtime.

GET https://api.steampowered.com/IStoreService/GetRecommendedTagsForUser/v1
Name Type Required? Description
steamid uint64 this is no longer used, we use the steamid in the header. Here for compatibility with PHP until we can clean that up.
language string This parameter has no listed description.
country_code string This parameter has no listed description.
favor_rarer_tags bool Biases tags towards tags that are less common. e.g. Favor Zombies over Action if the user plays the same number of games with both tags.


IHelpRequestLogsService/UploadUserApplicationLog Version: 1

User uploading application logs

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IHelpRequestLogsService/UploadUserApplicationLog/v1
Name Type Required? Description
appid uint32 This parameter has no listed description.
log_type string This parameter has no listed description.
version_string string This parameter has no listed description.
log_contents string This parameter has no listed description.
request_id uint64 This parameter has no listed description.
IHelpRequestLogsService/GetApplicationLogDemand Version: 1

Returns whether the server would like the user to upload logs

POST https://api.steampowered.com/IHelpRequestLogsService/GetApplicationLogDemand/v1
Name Type Required? Description
appid uint32 This parameter has no listed description.


ICheatReportingService/ReportCheatData Version: 1

Reports cheat data. Only use on test account that is running the game but not in a multiplayer session.

POST https://api.steampowered.com/ICheatReportingService/ReportCheatData/v1
Name Type Required? Description
key string Access key
steamid uint64 steamid of the user running and reporting the cheat.
appid uint32 The appid.
pathandfilename string path and file name of the cheat executable.
webcheaturl string web url where the cheat was found and downloaded.
time_now uint64 local system time now.
time_started uint64 local system time when cheat process started. ( 0 if not yet run )
time_stopped uint64 local system time when cheat process stopped. ( 0 if still running )
cheatname string descriptive name for the cheat.
game_process_id uint32 process ID of the running game.
cheat_process_id uint32 process ID of the cheat process that ran
cheat_param_1 uint64 cheat param 1
cheat_param_2 uint64 cheat param 2
cheat_data_dump string data collection in json format